Va) A [Marc] Blitzstein Cabaret (recorded on Premier CD 1005 w/Ronald Edwards -- See Recordings, 2)
1-3 Bruno Walter Auditorium, Lincoln Center Library 1/23, 24, & 25/89
4 Bryant Library, Roslyn NY 3/2/89
5 Caffé Bonelle, NYC 4/89
6 Boston Conservatory of Music 3/2/90
7 Community Church of Boston 11/11/90
8 WESPAC, Ardsley NY 12/15/90
9 Gay Men's Health Crisis - for Center for Contemporary Opera, NYC* 12/27/90
10 Shelter Rock Library, Albertson NY 4/26/92

11 Amer Composers Forum, NY Chapter 12/19/98 (excpts, w/Jack Gottlieb chez Pehrson)
12 Jean Cocteau Repertory Theatre w/Ronald Edwards 9/16/00 (incl. "What Is the Stars?" as Trio!)
13 First Unitarian Society of Madison, WI 6/27/04
14 Center for Jewish History, NYC ("Rallying with a Note") hosted by Robert Sherman 11/9/04
15 National Opera Association Convention, Roosevelt Hotel, NYC (Elizabeth Kirkpatrick,
George Shirley, Henry Price, Kenneth Wood, et al accompanied by Leonard) 1/7/05
16-19 University of Colorado, Boulder (afternoon & evening) 10/21/05
[preceded 10/22/05 by Leonard's Blitzstein piano music recital;
repeated 11/2/05 Bryant Library; 11/4/05 Queens College]
20 Bio-Bibliography Book Party & Concert at PeaceSmiths Forum, Amityville 2/17/06
20 Blitzstein Solo Piano CD Launch Party 2/1/19 Schott's Music Shop, London, England
21 First Unitarian Society of Madison, WI 6/28/19 (tentative)
Vb) People's Voice Cafe Tribute to Marc Blitzstein <BR>
(w/Bill Sharp, Michael Barrett, Eric Gordon et al) 3/25/89
Vc) A Blitzstein-Bernstein Cabaret
1 Herman Liebman Memorial Concert, Vladeck Hall, Bronx NY 1/7/90
2 Reynolds Hills Concert Series, Buchanan NY 7/27/91

3 Long Beach Library 4/3/05
4 Jericho Library 6/12/05
5 Bethpage Library 5/23/06
6 Florida Atlantic Univ. - Bernstein & Blitzstein: The Jewish Connection 2/27/09
Vd) Lectures on Marc Blitzstein
1 College Music Society Regional Convention, Manhattanville College, Purchase NY 4/8/90
2 Cornell University Dept. of Theatre, Film and Dance 9/1/05
Ve) Memories & Music of Leonard Bernstein
(#1, 3-7, 11 w/Janis Sabatino Hills)(#14-15, 17, 19-22 w/ Caryn Hartglass)
1 Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library, Hewlett NY 2/14/91
2 World Fellowship Peace Center, Conway NH 8/15/91
3 Bryant Library, Roslyn NY 8/27/91
4 Plainview-Old Bethpage Library, Plainview NY 8/28/91
5 Queensborough Community College, Bayside NY (After Dinner Opera Company)
"Every Boy Should Have A Jewish Mother" 10/6/91
6 Bethpage Public Library, Bethpage NY 10/27/91
7 Great Neck Library, Great Neck NY 1/26/92
8 Chelsea Center, East Norwich NY 3/15/92
9 East Meadow Library, East Meadow NY 5/1/92
10 Selden Community Center, Middle Island NY 9/20/92
11 Oceanside Library, Oceanside NY 11/22/92

12 International Jewish Arts Festival of Long Island, Commack NY 9/6/93
13 Freeport Memorial Library 12/31/94
14 Oceanside Public Library 11/3/02
15 Merrick Library 11/17/02
16 Sunsport Gardens 2/18/18 w/Bill & LaDonna Pacer
17 Great Neck Library 4/29/18
18 Empire Haven 8/2/18 w/Bill & LaDonna Pacer
19 Port Washington Public Library 10/5/18
20 Wantagh Public Library 11/3/18
21 Long Beach Public Library 11/25/18
22 Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Library 8/20/19 "Celebrating 2 Leonards"
Vf) Tales of Malamud (orchestral world premiere; completion of work begun by Blitzstein)
Center for Contemporary Opera, NYU Auditorium 3/19&21/92*
Helene sang Ruchel in Idiots First, Shirley in Karla
1-3 Premiere -- concertante w/piano at White Barn Theatre, Westport CT 8/17-19/01
with Gregory Mercer, James Sergi, Monica Harte, Tammy Hensrud, Tara Venditti,
Steven Tharp, Mark Wolff, Lars Woodul, Robert Osborne, dir. by Donald Saddler
Helene sang Mrs. Johnson & Mary Donovan
4-5 10/19 & 10/21/21 Retrospective Preview on Zoom w/Hofstra Italian-Amer Lecture Series
6-7 9/10 & 9/11/22 Orchestral Staged Premiere, After Dinner Opera, Lehman College Studio Thtr
Helene sang Mary Donovan
8 10/30/22 International Video Launch on Zoom
Excerpt Performances (Helene sang Rosa, Mrs. Evans, Mary Donovan):
(# 1, 3-6 w/Ron Edwards)
1 Cherubini Conservatory, Firenze, Italy 8/2/00
2 Scuola Musicale, Torremaggiore, Italy 8/7/00
3 Jean Cocteau Repertory Thtr, NYC 9/16/00
4 Merrick Library 12/3/00
5 Peoples Voice Cafe 12/16/00
6 Natl Opera Assn convention, NYC 1/12/01
7-8 Cablevision Channel 70 w/Shirley Romaine 8/14/01 & 8/15/01
(#9-11, 13-14 w/Gregory Mercer & James Sergi)
9-11 Hewlett-Woodmere Lib 3/3/02; Gt Nk Lib 6/9/02; Puffin Cultural Forum, Teaneck NJ 6/23/02
12 Hofstra Conference 10/4/02
13 Cinema Arts Center, Huntington 10/10/02
14 WRHU Ciao, Italy! live interview & exc. broadcast 10/25/03
Vh) Marc Blitzstein Centennial Events
1 Peoples Music Network Songs of Freedom & Struggle Workshop, Renaissance School,
Queens 1/29/05
2 Symposium, Brecht Forum, Manhattan (w/Ned Rorem, Joan Peyser, Eric Salzman) 3/2/05
3-5 I've Got the Tune (in 1970 Lehrman adaptation) + concert (recorded Original Cast CD 6127):
2/27/05 Great Neck House; 3/5/05 People's Voice Cafe, Manhattan; 3/6/05 Queens College
Helene sang Beetzie and numerous songs and ensembles
6 WBAI 99.5 FM NY "Cat Radio Cafe" 3/28/05
Janet Coleman interviews Leonard Lehrman on the Blitzstein Centennial
Vi) Lillian Hellman Centennial lecture & mini-recital 4/10/05 at Queens College
excerpts from Regina & Candide incl. the world premiere of "Addie's Lullaby," cut from Regina
Vj) Our Israeli Debut Concerts incl. works of Blitzstein, Lehrman, et al
in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, and Ladino
1 at the home of Blitzstein cousins Prof. Moshe & Yael Ron, Haifa 6/24/06
2 at Felicija Blumental Music Center, Tel Aviv 7/1/06
Vk) Halifax Summer Opera Workshop
American Arias Master Class 7/26/12 & Recital 7/28/12
focusing on Blitzstein, Siegmeister & Lehrman
Vl) LectureRecital/Interview on Blitzstein
7/9/13 NY City Center